Our senior girls are taking part in a programme called Marathon Kids this year.
it is an 8 week programme where students will perform four running sessions each week inching them closer to completing their first marathon as well as learning about the benefits of physical activity.
Daily Mile
6 Week Challenge
Commencing January 6th our school will be taking part in the Cavan Sports Partnership Keep Well Daily mile programme sessions are based on 15mins of active walking/jogging/running and can be anytime during school time. This does not include break time or PE time.
This Programme will run for 6 weeks and each class is provided with a poster to record the progress of each class.
Active Display Walls
Active Achievement Certificates
Our P.E Shed
Our P.E shed is well looked after by our Active leaders. Each class have their own equipment box looked after by leaders from their class.They keep a close eye that all equipment goes back to its designated area. Well done girls & boys!The children love having access to all equipment during breaks. This year we added more shelf and storage space and we hope to add extra fun equipment in the near future.π
Parachute Fun Juniors
Laya Super Troopers Homework ChallengeChildren from 3rd - 6th Class are invited to take part in 10 weeks of 1 a week family
challenges to be completed at home. A wallchart including surprise ‘scratch and
reveal’ panels were sent home with each child.
Each week, children and
their families are encouraged to reveal a new challenge and complete it at home
together. They can also document their experience if they wish for sharing with
us on our Active Blog.
Well Done to the boys and girls who are keeping active at home and completing their Active Choice Board Homework!Here is some of our pupils who sent in their Photos ππππ
To celebrate our Active flag at Easter we held a novelty Egg (spud) & Spoon race with a twist!!A fun filled event and the weather didn't dampen the fun we had...π₯π₯π°π£
On Friday December 11th we had a Christmas Jumper fundraising day for Crumlin Children's Hospital. We had a Christmas Jumper Dash, listened and danced to Christmas music and danced all the way through lunch!!!
A very active day was enjoyed by all ππ
Children from 3rd - 6th Class are invited to take part in 10 weeks of 1 a week family challenges to be completed at home. A wallchart including surprise ‘scratch and reveal’ panels were sent home with each child.
Each week, children and
their families are encouraged to reveal a new challenge and complete it at home
together. They can also document their experience if they wish for sharing with
us on our Active Blog.
Active Breaks Challenge
Active Breaks on yard
Lunch break each day every class is provided with their own box of equipment to use to make their break as active and fun as possible. The children enjoy using all types of equipment.
Every break is an Active one!!
Feel Good Tuesdays and Fridays
On a Tuesday & Friday pupils will take part at lunch time in Dance and listening to their favourite music.
The children select songs appropriate to listen and free dance to on yard.
Over the last three years music and dance have been one of the children’s favourite activities and one they voted to keep going.
Active Lines 20-21
The children continue to take part in Active lines. At each break the individual class bubbles lead by their Active Leaders take part in our Active lines. A bust of activity for a short time following a daily timetable. What a great way to keep active!!
Our School Yard Markings
Monster Mash Halloween Disco 2020
Active Lines 20-21
Our School Yard Markings
They whole school came together for Halloween dress-up on yard. Great fun was had by both teachers and pupils. We listen to scary songs and danced our Lunchtime out!! But of course we could not have a disco without our school song/dance the "CHA CHA Slide"
Health and Wellbeing classes
We are all enjoying our
Health and Wellbeing classes ππ
Christmas Jumper Day
Cha Cha Dance
On the 13/12/19 our school took part in a fundraiser for Crumlin Hospital. To make it more active the whole school took part in a dance and a train around yard led by our Principal Mrs Clarke.
Active Lines 19
At each break the whole school take part in our Active lines. A bust of activity for a short time following a daily timetable. This activity is lead by randomly picked pupils throughout the school.
What a great way to keep active!!
Old Playground Games
Senior girls will teach Junior/Senior infants and first class Old Playground Games on yard at lunch time on a Friday. This will be based on Playground Leaders explaining and monitoring the games.
Duck Duck Goose, Simon Says, Cat and Mouse, Traffic Lights and Red Rover are a few of what are being thought!
Duck Duck Goose, Simon Says, Cat and Mouse, Traffic Lights and Red Rover are a few of what are being thought!
Spar FAI Soccer
5th & 6th Class
Girls from 5th & 6th Class took part in the Spar FAI Soccer Tournament on the 5/04/19.
Three teams took part and really enjoyed their experience.
Run Around Europe
Music and Dance on Yard
Dress up/Disco On Yard
They whole school came together for Halloween dress-up on yard. Great fun was had by both teachers and pupils. We listen to scary songs and danced our Lunchtime out!!
Belturbet Cannoe Club
Local man Tommy McMahon came to visit the school to encourage the children to join the local Canoe Club. A workshop will run over the coming weeks a great way for our children to be active outside school and to learn about water safety.
Walk on Wednesday
Well done to all our pupils and their parents/guardians who walked or availed of Park & Stride to school this week and especially on Wednesday 16th W.O.W.
A great number turned out for the main day.
GAA Team
Thank you to our committee member and parent
Paul Murphy for the commitment he has shown to our
Active school Flag and our Gaelic team.
Spar FAI Soccer
Girls from 4th, 5th & 6th Class took part in the Spar FAI Soccer Tournament.
This is the first year that our school has competed. The girls enjoyed learning and improving on the skills needed to play soccer.

Camoige Training
Well done to our Camoige girls who are training hard every Friday with Ms. Hyland. Well done to the girls who have joined this year and wishing you luck in the games ahead.
Old Playground Games
Juniors Infants
Ring A Ring A Rosie
Duck Duck Goose
In term 3 on Thursdays the whole school gets together for a workout!! We have a lot of fun!!! Two children from 6th class lead the aerobics lesson to the tune of a popular song.
Run Around Europe Challenge
We have travelled from Dublin to London and at present are running towards Paris!!
Kilometre Kids
Playground Leaders
At lunch time ten senior girls are spread out between all yards to encourage and play games with all the children. The encourage the less active children to get involved and listen to ideas of games that each yard prefers.
Where appropriate they lead the children in different games old and new.
This is a great initiative for the junior & senior infants to build on team play and to play fairly with others while being active.
Easter Egg Maths Trails
Various classes throughout the school took part in Easter Egg Hunts/Maths Trails. The children had to work hard to figure out the clues to find the eggs. Great fun was had by all!!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
In preparation for Seachtain na Gaeilge and to encourage all children from 4th-6th class to get active through different activities, Our Principal Mrs Flynn ran an after schools 6 week programme teaching the girls Set Dancing. After the course was completed the girls performed their dance at our annual Ceoilchoirm in the town hall.
Walk While You Talk
During lunch breaks children who are less active or in active are encouraged to do their walking while their talking. It was noted by the playground leaders that the senior yards were less active more so than any other yard. By taking this into account we put in place the walk while you talk strategy. the girls enjoy doing a lap of the yard around our Active Walkway while having still having fun with their friends.
RDS Dublin
The girls from 2nd class - 6th Class enjoyed taking part in this years Peace Proms. Along with learning the songs the girls also were active and learning new dance moves. A concert that they will not forget in a hurry!!
Pupil V's Teacher Challenge
As part of our staff taking part in a physical activity initiative it was agreed that it should include a fun activity with the children.
The children and teachers of the Convent of Mercy N.S took part in an active Pupil v's Teacher activity on yard.
Children from 2nd - 6th class went head to head in a three activity challenge. Obstacles, Dodgeball and Penalty Shoot Out were the three activities picked by the children.
Active Lines
Swimming Gala
Well done to the girls who took part in the Swimming Gala in Cavan Swimming Pool. The girls enjoyed taking part and some were delighted to receive medals for their achievements.
Dress up/Disco On Yard
Dance Shelter
Dancing Dudes